Four Lifestyle Changes to Implement to Improve Your Cancer Care

 Our lifestyle & choices we make can have a huge impact on our health and well-being. This holds true for cancer patients as well. A healthy lifestyle can help you feel better and support cancer therapies. It may also help you live a healthier life eventually.  

Making positive behavioral changes as part of a lifelong process is what healthy living entails. We propose focusing on these 4 pillars, which we call the "The Store of 4," when deciding where to improve. Each one helps the others, and the combination of all six results in the most significant amount of success.  

Here are the changes you need to make  

  • Accept practical and emotional support - Having a network of supportive people, especially emotional support, is extremely good for your health. People with cancer who received the most and least social assistance were compared in studies. Those with the most social support lived longer and had a higher quality of life.  

  • Managing Stress: Stress reduction might assist you in maintaining your physical and emotional health. Use relaxation practices like guided visualization, meditation, and yoga to help you relax. Set aside lesser amounts of time to meditate or ponder throughout the day. Taking a moment to be conscious when washing your hands, brushing your teeth, or waiting at a stoplight is an example of this. Setting aside 20 minutes or more per day for stress management strategies can benefit.  

  • Regular Exercise: Exercise is beneficial both during and after cancer therapy. This can aid in the reduction of fatigue, weight gain, and strength loss. In addition to frequent exercise, try to avoid prolonged sitting or lie down periods. Create a safe fitness plan that includes aerobic activities that will get your heart beating. Strengthening exercises should also be included.  

  • Keep a Healthy Diet: A nutritious diet can help you cope with cancer's adverse effects, recover faster, and enhance your overall health. It may also reduce your cancer risk in the future. Every meal should include a variety of vegetables. Veggies should be the focus of your dinner, not just merely a side dish. Fiber-rich foods should be consumed. Whole grains, beans, peas, lentils, almonds, and seeds are among them. To support a healthy gut, eat probiotic and prebiotic foods. All probiotic foods are yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut or other fermented vegetables, miso, pickles, tempeh, kimchi, and kombucha. Chicory root, Jerusalem artichoke, dandelion greens, raw garlic, raw leeks, raw or cooked onion, jicama, legumes, and beans are all high-fiber prebiotic foods. 

A lot of cancer specialists in Jaipur also advise their patients on the same lines. Rajasthan is dominantly a vegetarian state so avoiding all kinds of harmful meat can be easy.


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