What are ways for cancer treatment in India: Know here

Cancer is a disease that is caused by the uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. When this happens, the person's normal functions and processes are disrupted. Cancer treatment aims to destroy or slow down the growth of these cells so that they stop producing abnormal amounts of tissue and spreading. In India, many cancer treatment options are available like chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, and stem cell transplantation.  

India is emerging as one of the leading providers for cancer treatments in the world. At the same time, there is a huge gap between what cancer patients can afford and what is available in India. This gap stems from the lack of proper infrastructure and facilities to provide quality care at an affordable price. 

India has some of the most affordable cancer treatment facilities in the world. Furthermore, there are many hospitals that provide quality care and offer patients assistance with things such as travel expenses and medical costs. 

India has treatments available for all stages of cancer, making it a popular destination for people who have been diagnosed with this illness. These treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and more. India also has a long history of treating cancer patients and there are many doctors available who have expertise in this field. 


Chemotherapy works by slowing down or stopping cancer cells which can grow incredibly quickly. Chemotherapy does this by delivering powerful drugs that find and destroy cancer cells throughout the body. 

Chemotherapy can damage healthy cells, such as those in the lining of the mouth, intestine, and hair follicles. Usually, these side effects wear off with time; but in a few cases where they are severe, oncologists recommend medications to mitigate them. 

Radiation Therapy:  

Radiation therapy is a method of cancer treatment in which cancer cells are killed by high-energy beams. X-rays are most utilized in radiation therapy, however other forms of energy such as protons or neutrons can also be used. 


Immunotherapy is a cancer treatment that boosts your immune system's ability to fight cancer. Human immune system aids in the battle against infections and other disorders. It is made up of white blood cells as well as a lymphatic system and tissues. Immunotherapy is a biological treatment. Biological therapy is a method of cancer treatment that uses compounds derived from live organisms. 


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