What causes Oral Cancer?
Cancer begins in the mouth, also known as the oral cavity. This area of the body contains the inner layer of the lips, lips, cheeks, teeth, gums, most of the tongue, the floor of the mouth, and the bony roof of the mouth or the tight palate. A specific cancer of the oral region is called oropharyngeal cancer, a throat cancer. Oropharyngeal cancer develops in the oropharynx behind the throat and behind the mouth. Oropharyngeal cancer involves the back of the tongue, the back of the mouth, the tonsils, and the upper throat wall. Oral Cancer and oropharyngeal cancers are also considered cancers of the head and neck. Causes of Oral Cancer Tobacco use and alcohol consumption are the most important risk factors for these diseases. Exposure to ultraviolet light, prolonged exposure to sunlight, or tanning beds can increase the risk of lip cancer. With a diet low in nutrients, fruits, and vegetables ...